Sunday, March 18, 2007

San Fran with co-workers and Alex

So I go to SFO (San Francisco) or SMF (Sacramento) every weekend. Well, some co-workers of mine who don't travel as much as I do decided to be brave and spend one of their weekend days getting a tour of SFO with me. Let me just tell you, we had a blast. Our flight left from PHX to SFO at 805a on Monday. Joyce, Jenn, and Chris (let me tell you, he is AWESOME). Once again, I go every week to see Alex, who they got to meet on this trip, and they loved him of course. Here are some of them:

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We had an amazing time while we were in SFO. Jen, Chris, and Joyce got into the city and immediately ended up in Union Square where Jen and Joyce were looking at shoes. Chris was outside on the curb with Jenn while she smoked and Joyce was looking at shoes. She kept showing them more expensive shoes through the window. The first pair was $400 and she kept showing them shoes that incrementally increased in price. The last pair was $800 and my thought was "HOLY JESUS" that is more than I make every two weeks after taxes.

Alex and I met up with them and we took the Muni down to Fisherman's Warf where we wandered around until we met up with Jesse

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Chris' friend for lunch at Scoma's. That place was amazing. There was a lunch special for 21.95 which included soup or salad, the entrĂ©e with steamed veggies and dessert. The food was amazing…..I had this awesome steak with cauliflower, zucchini, squash, and broccoli along with garlic mashed potatoes. They served lunch with this awesome sour dough that was delicious lathered with a ton of butter. Dessert was this flourless chocolate torte with raspberry sauce. If you ever get the chance to go to this restaurant I believe it's off of pier 47.

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Once we left lunch, we got to hit the touristy area and did pier 39. Alex and I took some really good pictures while we were there.

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After that we hit Starbucks and got back on the cable cars and headed back toward BART. Thank heavens Chris, Jen, and Joyce's flight was running late, because so were they. Their flight was supposed to leave around 610p but they didn't even get to the airport until 615p and the flight was oversold. After hoping to heaven that Joyce, Jenn and Chris would get on, we were bumped off of the flight. We had to figure out what we were going to do that night. Jesse offered them to stay with him in the Castro but the first BART train didn't run until 5a and their flight was at 6a. They ended up getting a distressed passenger rate and stayed at the SFO Marriott.

They got back to PHX at about 9a the next day and thank heavens cause Chris had to be at work at noon. It was a crazy trip but I tell you, it was the best day trip that I have ever been on with co-workers. There's nothing like good work friends. I was lucky and got to stay another one and a half days with Alex. He's the best!